Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Birthday!

Today Kailee turned 1! Wow, what a year it has been. It's hard to believe just one short year ago, Kailee was born. Now she is a walking, babbling happy toddler.

We had a smallish party with both sets of Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and friends. Kailee enjoyed being the center of attention during the festivities. She didn't want to take a nap and possibly miss something, but Daddy convinced her to sleep(Yay Daddy!). We had a good time letting her attempt to open presents, play with the other kids and eat cake. She chose the stick your face in it method for eating it and was staying fairly neat until she decided to look at her lap. Forehead into the cake! She seemed to enjoy the banana cake with cream cheese icing I made for her, and I know I enjoyed baking it.

She received many toys, clothes, books and even a Veggie Tales dvd. She loved reading the new books, and playing with the new toys(even if she didn't understand them all). One of her presents was a huge hit with all 3 kids. A busy ball popper that kept everyone from a 1 year old to almost 2 year old amused. And the adults had a blast watching them play.

Busy, long day but a good one. Plus I enjoyed not being in labor this year.

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