Saturday, November 29, 2008

Busy girl

Everywhere we go people say how "busy" Kailee is. I think they mean, "Wow, how did you give birth to the Tazmanian devil?" as in she's a blur of motion leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. She's started "surfing" on this laptop stand and has worked out climbing a bit. I saw her balanced precariously on one foot on top of the exersaucer trying to get into a chair. She's everywhere, and if she's not moving, she's probably asleep.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day!

So it's a day late, but Kailee had a great Thanksgiving. We went over to Grandma & Grandpa Reitberger's house and my folks came over too. So Kailee had the attention of many adoring fans. She thoroughly enjoyed walking around, climbing stairs and being held by everyone. She got to eat turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. Only had one meltdown when she got overwhelmed by everything and needed some quiet time with Mom & Dad. I love holidays with her and am really looking forward to Christmas. Now we just need to figure out how to split the time between the two families.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So we're not sure, but we think Kailee is trying to dance. If you sing, or play music, she'll bend her legs and kinda bop up and down. Makes me think I should try to be more imaginative in my dancing in front of her.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Apparently, we are raising a little cheesehead. During dinner(which was cheesy chicken casserole), she felt the need to rub her cheesy hands all over her hair multiple times. Fred & I looked at each other and said "Bathtime!" It was pretty cute to watch even as we cringed.

Nothing stops her!

So we are borrowing an exersaucer from a friend for Kailee. And for her birthday party we collapsed it and figured it was the beginning of phasing it out from Kailee's world. Imagine my surprise when I look over and Kailee has somehow managed to sit in it despite its collapsed nature. Nothing can stop a determined Kailee!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So Kailee's been pointing for about a week now. She's having a very good time pointing to things and having mom or dad tell her what it is. Of course, today as we lay down to take our morning nap(hopefully not the only nap today), she wanted to point at everything. It was time for sleep though and she did fall asleep after a bit of snuggling. So far, her favorite things to point at include Winnie the Pooh and friends in a picture right by her changing table in her room, a quilt we have hanging on the wall, and pictures on the wall. Yesterday while at the doctor's office we were letting her point and she learned how to hook her finger under the border to rip it. That was the end of that game!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

12 month well baby visit

Kailee went to the doctor today for her 12 month check up. She's doing great. 30 inches tall(75%), 17 lb 13 oz(10%) and tracking nicely. The doctor was impressed with how well she is doing and says we have a very healthy girl on our hands. We did decide to do 1 shot today, and she'll get the second shot at 18 months. That's the only shot she will be getting before 2 at which time we'll re-evaluate what our options are.

Monday, November 10, 2008

New toys

Kailee has spent today enjoying her birthday presents. There were new books to read and chew, new toys to learn about. She still doesn't get what to do with the xylophone, but she has fun carrying it around, chewing on the stick and banging on the box. She's figured out how to turn on her ball popper, but has not gotten the idea of putting the balls back in yet. It's fun to watch her learn.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Birthday!

Today Kailee turned 1! Wow, what a year it has been. It's hard to believe just one short year ago, Kailee was born. Now she is a walking, babbling happy toddler.

We had a smallish party with both sets of Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and friends. Kailee enjoyed being the center of attention during the festivities. She didn't want to take a nap and possibly miss something, but Daddy convinced her to sleep(Yay Daddy!). We had a good time letting her attempt to open presents, play with the other kids and eat cake. She chose the stick your face in it method for eating it and was staying fairly neat until she decided to look at her lap. Forehead into the cake! She seemed to enjoy the banana cake with cream cheese icing I made for her, and I know I enjoyed baking it.

She received many toys, clothes, books and even a Veggie Tales dvd. She loved reading the new books, and playing with the new toys(even if she didn't understand them all). One of her presents was a huge hit with all 3 kids. A busy ball popper that kept everyone from a 1 year old to almost 2 year old amused. And the adults had a blast watching them play.

Busy, long day but a good one. Plus I enjoyed not being in labor this year.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


One of Kailee's newest tricks is her kisses. She will give you kisses when you ask, if she feels like it. They are wet, warm and slobbery, but oh so cute. Yesterday, Fred kept asking her to "give mama a kiss" and she proceeded to kiss HIM every time. hehe, silly Kailee. We are loving her little kisses.

Flipped over

So Kailee has recently discovered the joy of standing with her feet and head on the floor looking at the world while upside down. I call it her downward-facing dog position(ala Yoga). This morning while balancing on her head, she did a somersault. She didn't seem particularly bothered by it, so I predict more tumbling to come.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A good day

Today was a good day. Kailee is starting to adjust to the new daylight savings time and not be totally cranky all morning. We went to mommy/baby yoga and had a good time. Kailee loves to "borrow" the other kids toys and toddle around the room at will. Relaxation time = revved up Kailee. Surprisingly, she's getting the idea of gentle, and did not beat up the other babies.

She's really loving our PS3. Now that she's turned it on a couple times(wasn't fast enough to stop her), she thinks its hilarious to press the button and make it beep or make the DVD come out. Hopefully the new toys she's getting for her birthday will distract her.

Hard to believe she's almost a year old already. When I think back to this time last year, I was still working and unable to roll over without a major effort. Now I've got an incredibly cute little girl. She's started giving kisses on occasion. They are quite slobbery, and she only does it when she wants to, but they are super sweet.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Post Numero Uno

So this is my first blog here. I will once again be attempting to keep an online accounting of the amazing things Kailee has done. If I have time, I may go back and add entries for past things.